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November Newsletter

Rhona Admin



December and January will be considered full billable months and will be billed accordingly. 2023 catch-up classes will remain available until the end of January 2024, at which point they will expire.

Classes will be combined during the December holidays, ensuring that there is enough classes available for everyone.

We encourage students to book as many classes as possible to catch up on any missed classes on top of the weekly classes for the month.


November consists of five weeks and the billing for November will be done from the 25th for the period of the 22nd of October to the 25th of November.


We are simplifying our billing process by moving to a fixed monthly rate for all our classes. Your class prices will continue to align with your initial selection on the registration form. To provide you with a more straightforward and consistent billing experience we are eliminating the complexity of billing based on four-week or five-week system.

From the 1st of January 2024 you will receive your statements, each reflecting the same set amount of R740.000 for 1x class per week and R1260.00 for 2x classes per week from the 23rd of each month.

We believe this modification will simplify your experience and help you focus on what truly matters – the growing journey.


Benefits of Parkour

There are many benefits and invaluable skills that we encourage during each and every class, which form part of our dedicated curriculum and foundation.

We always focus on highlighting all the benefits of Parkour however we take the opportunity each month to delve deeper into a specific advantage, providing additional comprehensive information about it.

In the months to follow we will be delving into the personal and social developments forming part of our structure by examining how these benefits intricately shape the journey of each student. They are continually enriched throughout classes as they continue to grow and develop in all these areas. This contributes to the advantages this gives them in their personal lives as well.

Parkour offers a unique learning environment where students of all levels can train together and learn from each other. It fosters personal growth and character development, encouraging self-expression. Through humor and friendly banter, students and coaches celebrate failures as part of the learning process. This inclusive atmosphere helps students overcome past experiences of bullying and boosts their self-confidence, making Parkour a valuable tool in addressing the issue of bullying.


Study-boosting benefits of exercise

Exam season can be tough, and it’s often very easy to let your health and fitness fall to the bottom of your to-do list. But did you know that there are significant benefits of exercise that will directly help with your studies. Consider these advantages of introducing some physical activity into your daily routine: Strengthened memory Research shows that physical exercise releases proteins in the brain that can actually help improve your memory and increase your cognitive performance. This is because the hippocampus, the area of our brain that is involved with retaining information is incredibly responsive to these proteins. So whether you’re revising for an exam or listening to a lecture, you’ll be able to take in and retain what you learn much more easily if you have been doing some regular exercise. Better concentration When you do any type of intense physical activity, it causes blood to flow to the brain. This in turn fires up your neurons and promotes cell growth, particularly in the hippocampus. This means that just 20 minutes of exercise before studying can improve your concentration and help you focus your learning. Improved mood By doing some sort of physical activity, you will be raising your endorphin levels, the body’s famous ‘feel good’ chemical produced by the brain and spinal cord. This chemical will also reduce your stress levels, which will in turn have a number of positive effects on how well your brain functions. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, some regular exercise will keep stress at bay and will help you to maintain a positive mind-set. Increased energy levels Experts have found that there is a connection between being physically healthy and delivering a strong academic performance. This is because low-intensity exercise can give our energy levels a much-needed boost, which is perfect for when you’re studying long hours. Studies also prove that exercise boosts creativity and mental energy. So if you’re in need of inspiration, your big idea could be just a walk or jog away. Now you know that exercise boosts brainpower in a number of ways, why not take a walk, jog or a run to get you moving. If you don’t fancy heading outside, we have a range of online events hosted by the Students’ Union Project Active, or for some more inspiration, take a look at PhD student, Javier Bautista’s article on exercise and staying healthy at home. -By UCL-


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